
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Complete this hand-out.  Due:  9/10


            Below are examples of people who are not being safe in the science lab. After each description, identify the one best science safety rule that is being broken by writing the number of the rule from the “Science Safety in Mrs. Remis’ Lab” handout.

1. During a lab activity, Fred spilled some water on the floor. When the next class came in, someone slipped on the floor.

RULE # _______

2. When Jenny was trying to read a liquid measurement on a graduated cylinder, she had difficulty seeing because her goggles kept fogging up. To help her see better, she put her goggles up onto her forehead until she was able to read and record the measurement.

RULE # _______

3. Chris just came from lunch and couldn’t find the time to stop at his locker to put away his water bottle. When he came in the science lab, he safely stored the water bottle under the lab table where no one would trip over it.

RULE # _______

4. While Mrs. Ness was giving a few directions before a lab activity, Lizzy got bored and started to poke holes in a foam lab tray with a copper wire from the tray.

RULE # _______

5. During a lab activity, Mike left a binder on the floor and Mrs. Ness tripped on in while she was making her way across the room to help another group.

RULE # _______

6. Rebecca got up during a lab to borrow a pencil from her friend. On her way back to her seat, she bumped into someone who was holding a glass beaker.

 RULE # ________

7. Bob was convinced that one of the liquids he was using during a lab activity was maple syrup, so he smelled it just to be sure.

RULE # ________

8. Sue didn’t have time the night before to read over the lab directions, so she had her lab partner read the steps off as they were working on the lab.

RULE # _______

9. At the end of a lab, a group quickly put away their materials, however, the table had paper clippings and water drops on it when they left.

RULE # _______

10. During a lab activity, David put a glass beaker down on the lab table. Because he didn’t put it close enough to the middle of the table, his partner, Greg, knocked on the floor with his elbow and it broke.

RULE # _______