When a moving object is touching another object, like a coin sliding across a table the moving object slows down. The force that causes this is called friction.
- The rougher the surfaces are, and the harder there will be.
Friction occurs in liquids & gases as well as between solids. Anything that experience friction warms up.
Friction and Gases
If you were in the space shuttle and re-entering the atmosphere, the bottom of the shuttle would be getting very hot. The collisions that occur between the molecules of the air being compressed by the shuttle, heat up the air AND the shuttle itself. The temperature on the top of the shuttle is also warm, but nowhere near the temperatures found on the bottom.
Friction and Liquids
Although liquids offer resistance to objects moving through them, they also smooth surfaces and reduce friction. Liquids tend to get thinner (less viscous) as they are heated. Yes, that's like the viscosity of the oil you put in your car.- Car engines have a lot of moving parts, and they rub on each other. The rubbing produces friction and the result is heat. When oil is added to a car engine, the oil sticks to surfaces, and helps to decrease the amount of friction and wear on the parts of the engine. An engine that runs hotter requires a more viscous oil in order for it to stick to the surfaces properly.

Friction is useful in some situations & a nuisance in others. If there were no friction between surfaces, it would be impossible to grip anything.
Many kinds of machines make use of friction. With too little friction between tires & the surface of a rod, for example, drivers wouldn't be able to stop their vehicles from sliding around.
Lots of friction between machine parts is damaging. It causes wear & tear, and some of the energy needed to run the machine is wasted on heat instead of movement. Oil is used reduce friction because it is smoother than any solid surface, so it allows objects to slide across each other more easily. A liquid used like this is called a lubricant.

Measuring Friction
- When you have a high coefficient of friction, you have a lot of friction between the materials. Concrete on concrete has a very high coefficient, and Teflon on most things has a very low coefficient. Teflon is used on surfaces where we don't want things to stick; such as pots and pans.
Scientists have discovered that there is even less friction in your joints than in Teflon! It is one more example at how efficient living organisms can be.
Friction is a force that holds back the movement of a sliding object.
You will find friction everywhere that objects come into contact with each other. The force acts in the opposite direction to the way an object wants to slide. If a car needs to stop at a stop sign, it slows because of the friction between the brakes and the wheels. If you run down the sidewalk and stop quickly, you can stop because of the friction between your shoes and the cement.
What happens if you run down the sidewalk and you try to stop on a puddle?
Friction is still there, but the liquid makes the surfaces smoother and the friction a lot less.
- Less friction means it is harder to stop. The low friction thing happens to cars when it rains. That's why there are often so many accidents. Even though the friction of the brakes is still there, the brakes may be wet, and the wheels are not in as much contact with the ground. Cars hydroplane when they go too fast on puddles of water.