The Purpose Statement should explain what it is you are trying to discover or prove. The Purpose should be written in a form of a statement. Try to make your statement original and creative. |
The statement should clearly explain:
Example of a Purpose Statement:
The purpose of this experiment was to find out how the density of plant cover affects soil erosion. I became interested in this experiment when the hillside next to our yard began to erode. The information from this experiment will help people to determine how many plants they should plant on their yards hillside.
Fill in the blanks below to create a quality Purpose Statement.
The purpose of this experiment was to ____________________________________
I became interested in this experiment when ______________________________________________
The information gained from this experiment will help others by ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ |
The Hypothesis is an educated guess that tries to answer a question or solve a problem that you are trying to find out more about. The hypothesis is done after you do your research on a specific topic and before you do any experimenting.
The Hypothesis should follow these rules:
1. A hypothesis is a question, which has been reworded into a form that can be tested by an experiment.
2. There is usually one hypothesis for each question you have.
3. You must do at least one experiment to test each hypothesis. This is a very important step.
Example of a Hypothesis:
My hypothesis is that grass will do a better job at preventing soil erosion on the hillside than shrubs. I base my hypothesis on the idea that there are more roots in the grass than the shrubs.
Fill in the blanks below to create a quality Hypothesis.
My hypothesis is ___________________________________________
I base my hypothesis on ____________________________________
________________________________________________________ |
The materials list is a complete list of all materials including details and amounts. Be sure to include quantities (how much), length, volume, and mass. List these in metric units. Be specific in your description of the item needed. Include photos, or drawings of the materials if it helps the person to identify the material needed in the project. |
The Material List should follow these rules:
Example of a Material List:
Fill in the blanks below to create a quality Materials List.
The procedures are a detailed, step-by-step set of instructions on how to prepare and carry out your experiement. These should be written so that the experiement can be recreated by anyone who picks up your procedures. Write the procedure as you do the steps of a lab. Be very specific; don't assume that the reader knows how much, how many, or how long. |
The Procedures should follow these rules:
Example of a Procedures / Method list:
Fill in the blanks below to create a quality Procedure / Method list.
Use a notebook or a booklet. Like a diary, write down all the things you have done on your project each day. Be sure to include any and all details. A good scientist keeps careful, detailed records of findings and test results. Include such things as amounts / quantities used, color changes, growth etc.. Record any procedure that you carry out during the experiment. Include the date and time that this was completed. |
Example of Project Experimental Log:
The written research report is a gathering of everything that you did to investigate the selected topic. It contains all the information you collected or learned during the weeks leading up to the actual experiment and science fair. It should be written from notes, personal interviews, and sources from the library and electronic media. Be sure to write this information in your own words and not that of the author. |
The Research Summary Report should follow these rules:
Writing the Results will include both text and illustrative materials AKA the tables and charts. Use the text to explain and guide the reader through your key results, i.e., the information which answer the hypothesis you investigated. Use the tables and charts to help strengthen and explain what you are stating in your text. |
Your results should follow these guidelines:
Example of how to write the results:
The original purpose of this experiment was to see how a seeds germination is effected by the time of exposure to running water. The results of the experiment were that the duration of exposure to running water had a great effect on overall seed germination. (See chart #1). The seeds exposed to the 48-hour treatment had the highest percentage rate of germination (See chart #2). This was 2 times that of the 12-h group and 5 times that of our control group that was not exposed to the running water treatment. |
Fill in the blanks below to create a quality Results page.
The original purpose of this experiment was to ______________________________
The results of the experiment were _______________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ |
Pointers for your Table / Graph:
• Big or little? A good rule of thumb is to size your figures to fill about one-half of a page. The viewer should not have to get a magnifying glass to make out the details.
• Color or no color? Most often black and white is preferred. The idea is that if you need to photocopy or fax your paper, any information conveyed by colors will be lost to the reader. However, for a poster presentation or a talk with projected images, color can be helpful in distinguishing different data sets. Every aspect of your Figure should convey information; never use color simply because it is pretty.
• Title or no title? When you are making a posters or projected images , where people may have a harder time reading the small print of a legend, a larger font title is very helpful.
What is a conclusion? A conclusion is a reexamination of your original hypothesis in regards to the data you have collected. Your conclusion will continue by describing how your results prove or disprove your hypothesis. Your conclusion included what questions you have developed in doing the experiment. It also includes how you might change your experiment if you were to continue this topic in order to explore those questions that you developed during the experiment. |
Example of a conclusion:
My hypothesis was that grass would do a better job at preventing soil erosion on the hillside than shrubs. I base my hypothesis on the idea that there are more roots in the grass than the shrubs. The results indicate that this hypothesis should be considered false. The dense amount of shrub cover shielded the underlying dirt better than the grass. Because of the results of this experiment, I wonder if different kinds of shrubs have the same effect on preventing erosion. If I were to conduct this science fair project again I would try both deciduous as well as coniferous shrubs.
Fill in the following lines to create a successful Conclusion:
My hypothesis was ____________________________________________________
The Results indicate that this hypothesis should be considered__________________
Becuase of the results of this experiment __________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
If I were to conduct this science fair project again I would _____________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ |
What is a Abstract? The Abstract is a summary of your science fair project. Your abstract is made up of a brief statement of the essential, or most important, thoughts about your project. Abstracts should summarize, clearly and simply, the main points of the experiment. Spelling, grammar,punctuation, neatness, and originality are important. It should be 250 to 300 words in length. It is one of the last parts of your science fair project that you will complete. It is an easy part if you are using a computer to record and type your journal entries and other parts of the project. If you are using a computer then you will only have to cut and paste this information into the abstract. |
Include the following to create your abstract:
Fill in the following lines to create a successful Abstract:
The purpose of my science fair project was _________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
My hypothesis for this project was________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
The constants and controls in my experiment were_____________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
The variable in my experiment was_____________________________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
The way that I measured the responding or dependent variable was _____________
___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________
The results of this experiment were _______________________________________
The results show that my hypothesis should be (give brief reason why to accept or not)
If I were going to do this experiment again in the future or expand on this
experiment I would ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ |